Fall Scholarships: 

Steven G. Newcom Scholarship

McCormick Scholarship

Marvin A. Evens Scholarship

Ronald Wayne Hurt Scholarship

Duesler Scholarship

Most Improved GPA

Second Most Improved GPA


Spring Scholarships:

Fred W. Thomas Scholarship

Robert and Margaret Hurst Scholarship

Harris “Brother by Choice” Award

Christian Leadership Award 

Class of 1956 Delta Leaders’ Extra-Curricular Scholarship

Most Improved GPA

Second Most Improved GPA


In addition to these scholarships, the Delta chapter hosts the annual AGR Purdue Preview Cattle Show each February. The proceeds from this event go towards sponsoring two $1000 scholarships for incoming AGR freshmen enrolled in the College of Agriculture.


For more information on Delta Chapter Scholarships, or if you are interested in donating to the Delta Chapter Scholarship Fund please contact our VNR Scholarship listed below.


VNR Scholarship
James Reiger | [email protected] | 812-593-5683